100WC #26

look up! Can you see it . “What is it” I  said it is a kit shaped like a dog. Can I have one mum please oh please!! “No you have already got a kit at home and you just bought some brand new shoes” mum said.”fine” how about you find out how has got that kit and see if you can have a go” “ok” I said as I walked over there I saw people all in a big group. ” it is a big competition to see who gets the kit . You have to get weigh the pig I guessed 123kg…..

100 WC

Well we are moving again this is the four house we have moved in one year I know heaps well it is all because of my mums work. I have never really made any real friends except for this one girl named Sally she lives in Chile that is the reason  I am trying to find my IPod to text her. Well any way I have. To unpack all these boxes then I came across this old brown boxes it was in the back right hand corner so I walked over to it and so as I lifted the lid….

100 WC by chelsea and Zoe

It didn’t pop but it made my tongue tingle. It was one of  the weirdest feelings. Then my tongue started to swell. I started to feel dizzy then everything went black. I woke up in a strange room, I didn’t know where I was. Someone came in and told me I had an allergic reaction. “But what to?” I said to myself. “We are not sure yet” they said sadly “thats why we are going to do an allergy test. After the test someone came and told me that I’m not allergic to anything. “Then what was that?” 

“It was”…

we should remember ANZAC day

Do you remember ANZAC day? Well you should. ANZAC day is about when over one thousand men and women went to war to fight for our country. Some NEVER come back.

Now you know how every one remembers all the men that went to war but what about the women that went to war. Why don’t the women get any credit? They saved many lives and thats only one reason why they should be remember.

They died for me you and all of us. They put their lives on hold for us and some of them where only 17 years old. They still had so much ore time to have a family but instead they died for us . so remember them.

Now would you like to work in the frezzing cold and burning hot? Well i know i woulden’t. But they had no choice but to so next time you think it wasn’t that bad think again. Those man had worked day and night. They didn’t get nice home cooked meals they got can food and you should have seen the flies they were every where. so remember the ANZACS.

More of my story

Hi my name is Greg I am a pig and I am going to tell you a story about when I was little. And it goes like this .
Morning was here and I was hungry So I walk to the fridge to find out that it was empty. Then I said to myself ” what should I do what can I do. I know I will go to the four little wolfs house’s they should have some cake for me”. So of I go to the 1st little wolfs house. The heat out side was like the a big ball of fire racing through the sky but I keep on going. Bob the first little wolf was the oldest of the four but the dumbest of them all and I will Give you an example. He made his house out of straw. So I taped at the door. Then bob pops his head out the door.
“What do you want” Bob said in a high pitch voice.
“All I want is a nice cake” I said “because my fridge is empty

The three little pigs wolf way

Hi my name is Greg I am a pig and I am going to tell you a story about when I was little. And it goes like this
Morning was here and I was hungry So I walk to the fridge to find out that it was empty. Then I said to myself ” what should I do what can I do. I know I will go to the four little wolfs house’s they should have some cake for me”. So of I go to the 1st little wolfs house. The heat out side was like the a big ball of fire racing through the sky but I keep on going. Bob the first little wolf was the oldest of the four but the dumbest of them all and I will Give you an example. He made his house out of straw.


I was making an apple pie I wanted it to be a sweet delicous pie. As I was going to get the cook book I heard dingdong the doorbell rang. Who could it be who would want to see me. I went to the door and then…BANG… an egg hit me in the face it was those evil boys that live down the street. Those little boys. I walk back in to the kicthen to get the cookbook but it wasn’t there were is it.Then I saw two horses outside biting into a book that could not be could it..

Genius hour

what i am doing for genius hour? I am doing a Murray darling basin project with Ella and Chloe.

when am I doing it? I am doing it every Friday afternoon .

why ? I am doing it because I want to find out about the Murray darling basin.

how am I shownig it to my class? It will be on cardboard.

Brain pop

 What is Brain pop is an America website were you watch videos of America history.

When do we do brain pop? We do it every morning of the week. 

Something I know from it? Today I learnt about student rights and how in public schools the you have more rules than privet school.

by Chelsea


100 WC

STOP STOP!!! Wow what a bad dream that was I was getting eaten by a big…ANT . anyway I get out of bed and walk down to mum and dad they look so happy and there is something in their hands. What could it be there is three of them then mum said we are going to New York YAY. New York was my unlimated adventure dad said we were leaveing at 11.00 i look at the time it was 9.00 already. so i ran up to get ready. two hours later we were getting on the plane it was amazing but then…